Innovación y Servicios para el Desarrollo del Sector Privado

World Bank Projects
- Identifying service sectors with high potential growth in the Dominican Republic – 2021–22 (Advisory)
- Innovation policy note for Kazakhstan – 2020–21 (Advisory)
As Staff:
- EC Economic Diversification & Industrial Services – 2016. Ecuador (Lending)
- KZ Technology Commercialization Project –2016 Kazakhstan (Lending)
- EC Innovation and Value Chains 2016 Ecuador (Advisory)
- UY Promoting Innovation to Enhance Competitiveness – 2007–16. Uruguay (Lending)
- Integration into Global Value Chains – 2016 Uruguay (Advisory)
- JM Foundations for Competitiveness & Growth – 2015 Jamaica (Lending)
- Ecuador Competitiveness and Services for Competitiveness – 2013–15 Ecuador (Advisory)
Inter-American Development Bank projects:
- Innovation in tourism and professional services (2013) the Dominican Republic.
- Services and productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean (2011–13) Chile, Peru, Costa Rica, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Jamaica.
European Union Projects:
- Jordan Modernization of the services industries (2010–11) Jordan European Commission—Ecorys • Projects on industrial policy and services for Europe (2005–09) European Commission—Ecorys
Spanish projects:
- Principal evaluation, Collaborative R&D and Innovation grants, evaluation and selection of candidates, region of Madrid (2018–21).

Innovation in developing economies
- Rubalcaba, L., Lagunes, H. and Reynoso, J. (2018) Service innovation in developing economies: research avenues. In Faiz Gallouj (Ed.) The Future of Services Innovation Research. Edward Elgar. Pages 68-84
- Rubalcaba, L., Slavova, S., Kim, M.D., Merino De Lucas, F., Franco-Temple, E., Michelle Victor, J. (2017). Innovation for Productivity Growth in Ecuador: Unlocking Constraints through Horizontal and Cluster Development Policies. The World Bank. 2017/6/13
- Rubalcaba, L., Aboal, D., Garda, P. (2016) Service innovation in developing economies: evidence from LatinAmerican and the Caribbean. Journal of Development Studies 52(5), 607-626
- Rubalcaba, L, Gago, D., Ariano, M, Tripathi, A. (2016) Services and innovation for the competitiveness of the Ecuadorian economy, Policy Research Working Paper 7767, The World Bank Group.
- Rubalcaba, L. (2015) Service innovation for developing economies: Policy rationale and framework. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol. 51 (3), 540-557.
- Aboal, D., Crespi, G., and L. Rubalcaba (2015): La innovación y la nueva economía de servicios en América Latina y el Caribe. Retos e implicaciones de política. CINVE – IDB, IDB Publications.
- Rubalcaba, L. (2013) Innovation and the New Service Economy in Latin America and the Caribbean. Discussion paper N0. IDC-DP-291. IDB publications.
Open and user innovation in private sector
- Rubalcaba, L. and Deschryvere M (2022) The uneven role of users in service innovation performance. Economics of Innovation and New Technology
- Franco, J. and Rubalcaba, L. (2021) Innovation and SDGs through social media analysis: messages from FinTech firms. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity. 2021, 7(3), 165;
- Gallego Martínez-Alcocer, J., Di Meglio, G., Vänskä, J, and Rubalcaba, L. (2019) Customer-Involvement in New Service Developments: Insights from Spanish Tourism Firms. UCJC Business & Society Review (former Universia Business Review), 62, 82–97
- Rubalcaba, L, Gago D. and J. Gallego (2018) Services innovation towards open and social innovation. In European Commission (Ed) Open Innovation 2.0 yearbook 2017–2018, European Commission.
- Battisti, G., Gallego, J., Rubalcaba, L. and Wimdrum, P. (2015). Open innovation in services: knowledge sources, intellectual property rights and internationalization. Economics of Innovation and New Technology 24 (3), 223– 247
- Hipp, C., Rubalcaba, L. and Gallego, J. (2013). Services and organisational innovation: The right mix for value creation. Management Decision, 51 (6), 1117–1134
- Gallego, J., Rubalcaba, L. and Suarez, C. (2013) Knowledge for Innovation in Europe: The Role of external knowledge on firms’ cooperation strategies. Journal of Business Research, 66(10), 2034.
- Gallego, J., Rubalcaba, L. and Hipp, C. (2013) Organisational innovation in small European firms: A multidimensional approach. International Small Business Journal, Vol. 31, 5, 563-579
Service innovation, knowledge-intensive services, forecasting and policy
- Gallouj, F., Weber, M., Stare, M., Rubalcaba, L. (2015) The futures of the service economy in Europe: a foresight analysis. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. Vol. 94, 80–96.
- Hipp, C., Gallego, J., Rubalcaba, L. (2015). Shaping innovation in European knowledge-intensive business services. Service Business 9 (1), 41–55
- Rubalcaba, L. Michel, Sundbo, J., S., Brown, and J Reynoso (2012) Shaping, organizing, and rethinking service innovation: a multidimensional framework, Journal of Service Management, Vol. 23 Iss: 5, pp.696–715.
- Rubalcaba, L. (2011) The challenges for service innovation and service innovation policies. In Promoting Innovation in the Services Sector. Review of Experiences and Policies. The United Nations, UNECE, pp. 3–29.
- Rubalcaba, L., Gallego, J., and Den Hertog, P. (2010). The case of market and system failures in services innovation The Service Industries Journal: Vol. 30, 4, 549–566
- Rubalcaba, L., Gallego, J, and Gago, D. (2010) On the differences between goods and services innovation. Journal of Innovation Economics Vol. 5: 17–40
- Rubalcaba, L. (2007) Which policy for service innovation? Science and public policy 33, 10, 745–756 • Gago, D. and Rubalcaba, L. (2007) ICT and innovation in services: towards a multidimensional approach for impact assessment. Journal of Evolutionary Economics. Vol. 17, 25–44
Entrepreneurship, startups, and business value
- Gupta, V. Rubalcaba, L. and C. Gupta (2022), Global Requirement Engineering through secondary market research: Lessons from real consulting project, IT Professional, IEEE, 2022.
- Gupta, V., Rubalcaba, L. and C. Gupta (2021), Multimedia Prototyping for Early- Stage Startups Endurance: Stage for New Normal?, IEEE Multimedia 28 (4), 107-116
- Gupta, V., Rubalcaba, L., Fernandez-Crehuet, J. M., and Pereira, L. F. (2022), Innovation Through Startup Collaboration, in IEEE Engineering Management Review 49 (3), 126-135
- Gupta V. and L Rubalcaba (2021). Competency-Industry Relatedness (C-IR) Framework for Sustained Business Growth in Startups during and Beyond Pandemic: Myths and Lessons from Publicly Funded Innovative Startups. Sustainability 13, no. 9: 4632.
- Gupta, V. and Rubalcaba, L. (2021), Creating Business Value from Online Hackathons, IEEE Potentials, 40, 5