Publicaciones en inglés

Publicaciones Científicas Seleccionadas

Libros de autor:

  • Rubalcaba, L. (2007) The New Service Economy: Challenges and Policy implications for Europe. Edward Elgar, Glos (UK) and Massachussets (US). (ISBN: 1-84542-585-5).
  • Rubalcaba, L (1999) Business Services in European Industry: Growth, Employment and Competitiveness. European Commission, Brussels. (ISBN: 92-828-6697-1).
  • Rubalcaba, L (1994) Fairs and Exhibitions in the European Economy, Commission of the European Union, Eurostat, Luxemburg. (ISBN: 92-826-7940-3).

Libros editados:

  • Gallouj, F., Rubalcaba, L. and P. Windrum (eds.) (2013) Public Private Innovation Networks in Services. Edward Elgar. (ISBN: 978 1 78100 265 0)
  • Rubalcaba, L. and H. Kox (eds.) (2007) The Contribution of Business Services to European Economic Growth. Palgrave-MacMillan, London (UK) and New York (US) (ISBN: 9-780230-002029)
  • Cuadrado, J.R, Rubalcaba, L. and J. Bryson (eds.) (2002) Trading Services in the Global Economy. Edward Elgar Glos (UK) and Massachussets (US). (ISBN: 184064 6101).

Capítulos de libros:


  • Rubalcaba, L. (2018) Experience and innovation in services: from human encounters to social building. In Scupola A. and L. Fuglsang (eds.) Integrated Crossroads of Service, Innovation and Experience Research-Emerging and Established Trends. Routledge. (Forthcoming)
  • Rubalcaba, L., Lagunes, H. and J. Reynoso (2018) Service Innovation in developing Economies. In Gallouj, F. and F. Djellal (eds.), A Research Agenda for Service Innovation, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham. (forthcoming)
  • Rubalcaba, L., Gago, D. and J. Gallego (2018) Why does services innovation move towards open and social innovation? Open Innovation 2.0. European Commission, Brussels.


  • Rubalcaba, L. (2017) Competitiveness. In Richardson, D. et al. (eds.) The International Encyclopedia of Geography. People, the Earth, Environment and Technology. Wiley-Blackwell DOI: 10.1002/9781118786352.wbieg0585


  • Rubalcaba, L. (2016) Social innovations and relationships with service and system innovations. In Toivonen, M. (ed.) Service Innovation. Novel Ways of Creating Value in Actor Systems, pp. 69-93. Springer. (ISBN 978-4-431-54922-2)


  • Rubalcaba, L. and M. Toivonen (2015). Internationalisation of services: modes and the particular case of KIBS. In Daniels, P. and J. Bryson (eds.) The Handbook of Service Business, pp. 278-300. Edward Elgar. (ISBN 9781781000403)
  • Rubalcaba, L., Gallego, J. and D. Gago (2015) On the differences between goods and services innovation. Reprinted article from the Journal of Innovation Economics 2010, Vol. 5: 17-40. In Gallouj, F. and F. Djellal (eds.) Services and Innovation, pp. 327-352. Elgar Research Collection. Edward Elgar Glos (UK) and Massachussets (US). (ISBN 9781783472932)
  • Rubalcaba, L. (2015) Which policy for service innovation? Reprinted article from Science and public policy. 2006, Volume 33, No. 10. Vol. 33, 10, 745-756. In Gallouj, F. and F. Djellal (eds.) Services and Innovation. Elgar Research Collection, pp. 759-770. Edward Elgar. Edward Elgar Glos (UK) and Massachussets (US). (ISBN 9781783472932)


  • Rubalcaba, L., Gallego, J. and G. di Meglio (2013) Social Innovation and Private-Public Innovation Networks in Services. In Ruiz, C. and C. Parra (eds.) New forms of organization in knowledge-based societies: Social innovation, non-profit organizations and Social Entrepreneurship, pp. 69-96. NY: Routledge (ISBN 9784431549222)
  • Gallego, J. and L. Rubalcaba (2013) Cooperation for Innovation in European Firms. In Gallouj, F., Rubalcaba, L. and P. Windrum (eds.) Public Private Innovation Networks in Service, pp. 139-163. Edward Elgar: UK. (ISBN 9781781002667)
  • Wanzenböck, I., Rubalcaba, L, Montes, O. and M. Weber (2013) Policy developments and measures for enhancing ServPPINs dynamics. In Gallouj, F., Rubalcaba, L. and P. Windrum (eds.) Public Private Innovation Networks in Service, pp. 432-461. Edward Elgar: UK. (ISBN 9781781002667)
  • Gallouj, F., Rubalcaba, L. and Windrum, P (2013). Conclusions and agenda for future research. In Gallouj, F., Rubalcaba, L. and P. Windrum (eds.) Public Private Innovation Networks in Service, pp. 462-487. Edward Elgar: UK. (ISBN 9781781002667)


  • Rubalcaba, L. (2011) The challenges for service innovation and service innovation policies. In Promoting Innovation in the Services Sector. Review of Experiences and Policies, pp. 3-29. The United Nations, UNECE, New York and Geneva. (ISBN 978-92-1-117039-9)


  • den Hertog, P. and L. Rubalcaba (2010) Service R&D and innovation policies in Europe. In Gallouj, F. (ed.) The Handbook of service innovation, pp. 621-653. Edward Elgar (ISBN: 978-1847205049).
  • Rubalcaba, L. and S. Visintin (2010) Crossing borders: exploring the relationships between different modes of international provision of services. In Guerrieri, P. and B. Quintieri (eds.) Business service, competitiveness and internationalization, pp. 15-48. Rubettino Editore, Roma, Italy.


  • Maroto, A. and L. Rubalcaba (2008) Structure, size and reform of the European public sector. In Windrum, P. and P. Koch (eds.) Entrepreneurship, creativity and management, pp 41-62. Edward Elgar. (ISBN: 978-1-84542-631-6).


  • Stare, M. and L. Rubalcaba (2007) Research on services: from exploring the residual to service science. In Stauss, B. et al. (eds.) Service Science: Fundamental, Challenges and Future Developments, pp. 71-78. Springer Verlag. (ISBN: 948-3-540-74487).
  • Rubalcaba, L. and H. Kox (2007). The Growth of European Business Services. In Rubalcaba, L. and H. Kox (eds.) The Contribution of Business Services to European Economic Growth, pp. 15-38. Palgrave-MacMillan. (ISBN: 9-780230-002029).
  • Kox, H. and L. Rubalcaba (2007) The Contribution of Business Services to Economic Growth. In Rubalcaba, L. and H. Kox (eds.) The Contribution of Business Services to European Economic Growth, pp. 74-94. Palgrave-MacMillan. (ISBN: 9-780230-002029).
  • Rubalcaba, L. and D. van Welsum (2007), Globalisation and Global Sourcing in Business Services. In Rubalcaba, L. and H. Kox (eds.) The Contribution of Business Services to European Economic Growth, pp. 213-230. Palgrave-MacMillan. (ISBN: 9-780230-002029).
  • Kox, H. and L. Rubalcaba (2007), Policy implications, In Rubalcaba, L. and H. Kox (eds.) The Contribution of Business Services to European Economic Growth, pp. 263-274. Palgrave-MacMillan. (ISBN: 9-780230-002029).


  • Rubalcaba, L. and R. Garrido (2006) Urban concentration of European business services. In Carrillo, F. (ed.) Knowledge cities, pp. 205-221. Elsevier, Buttherworth-Heinemann, Burlington, US. (ISBN: 978-0-7506-7941-1).


  • Rubalcaba, L. and D. Gago (2002) National and International Effects in Business Service Concentration. In Miles, I. and M. Miozzo (eds.) Internationalisation, technology and services, pp. 137-160. Edward Elgar. (ISBN: 1843760533)
  • Cuadrado, J.R., Rubalcaba, L. and J. Bryson (2002). The relationship between globalisation and services. In Cuadrado, J.R., Rubalcaba, L. and J. Bryson (eds.) Trading Services in the Global Economy, pp. 1-24. Edward Elgar. (ISBN: 184064 6101).
  • Rubalcaba, L. and J.R. Cuadrado (2002). Services in the globalisation age: interrelations and dimensions, In Cuadrado, J.R., Rubalcaba, L. and J. Bryson (eds.) Trading Services in the Global Economy, pp. 27-56. Edward Elgar. (ISBN: 184064 6101).
  • Rubalcaba, L. and J.R. Cuadrado (2002) Internationalisation of service industries: a comparative approach. In Cuadrado, J.R., Rubalcaba, L. and J. Bryson (eds.) Trading Services in the Global Economy, pp. 78-108. Edward Elgar. (ISBN: 184064 6101).


  • Rubalcaba, L. and J.R. Cuadrado (2001) Spain: Knowledge-intensive services: a paradigm of economic change. In Wood, P. (ed.) Consultancy and Innovation: the Business Service Revolution in Europe, pp. 316-343. Taylor & Francis Group. (ISBN: 1-84142-005-0).


  • Cuadrado, J.R. and L. Rubalcaba (1993) Regional Trends in Business Service Supply in Spain. In Daniels, P., Illeris, S., Bonamy, J. and J. Philipe (eds.) The Geography of Services, pp. 51-68. Frank Cass. (ISBN: 1-84142-005-0).


  • Rubalcaba, L. (1990) Introduction. In European Commission (ed.) Some statistics on services, pp. 13-66. Eurostat Luxembourg. (ISBN: 0-7146-4520-6).

Artículos en revistadas indexadas:


  • Rubalcaba, L. (2018) Bridging service experiences and service innovation: a new model for understanding the future of services. European Review of Service Economics and Management, No. 6. (forthcoming)
  • Gallouj, F., Rubalcaba, L., Windrum, P. and M. Toivonen (2018) Understanding social innovation in service industries. Industry and Innovation. Manuscript DOI: 10.1080/13662716.2017.1419124


  • Van der Have, R. and L. Rubalcaba (2016) Social innovation: an emerging research field? Research Policy 45 (9), 1923–1935
  • Rubalcaba, L., Aboal, D. and P. Garda (2016) Service innovation in developing economies: evidence from Latin-America and the Caribbean. Journal of Development Studies, 52(5), 607-626
  • Windrum, P. Schartinger, D., Rubalcaba, L., Gallouj, F and M. Toivonen (2016) The Co-Creation of Multi-Agent Social Innovations: A Bridge Between Service and Social Innovation Research. European Journal of Innovation Management, 19 (2), 150-166
  • Maroto, A., Rubalcaba, L. and J. Gallego (2016) Publicly Funded R&D for Public Sector Performance and Efficiency: Evidence from Europe. R&D Management 46 (S2), 564-578.


  • Rubalcaba, L. (2015) Service innovation for developing economies: Policy rationale and framework. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol 51 (3), 540-557.
  • Lagunes, H. and L. Rubalcaba (2015) External sources for innovation in public organizations. The Services industries Journal. 35, 13, 710-727
  • Di Meglio, G., Stare, M., Maroto, A. and L. Rubalcaba (2015) Public services performance: an extended framework and empirical assessment across the enlarged EU. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 33 (2), 321-341.
  • Hipp, C., Gallego, J. and L. Rubalcaba (2015) Shaping innovation in European knowledge-intensive business services. Service Business 9 (1), 41-55
  • Battisti, G., Gallego, J., Rubalcaba, L. and P. Windrum (2015) Open innovation in services: knowledge sources, intellectual property rights and internationalization. Economics of Innovation and New Technology 24 (3), 223-247
  • Gallouj, F., Weber, M., Stare, M. and L. Rubalcaba (2015) The futures of the service economy in Europe: a foresight analysis. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. Vol. 94, 80–96.
  • Di Meglio, G., Pyka, A. and L. Rubalcaba (2015) On the ‘How Many Europes’ Debate: Varieties of Service Economies. Journal of Economic and Social Geography (Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie), 106 (3): 307–320.


  • Gallego, J., Rubalcaba, L. and C. Suarez (2013) Knowledge for Innovation in Europe: The Role of external knowledge on firms’ cooperation strategies. Journal of Business Research, 66(10), 2034.
  • Hipp, C., Rubalcaba, L. and J. Gallego (2013). Services and organisational innovation: The right mix for value creation. Management Decision, 51 (6), 1117 – 1134
  • Gallego, J., Rubalcaba, L. and C. Hipp (2013) Organisational innovation in small European firms: A multidimensional approach. International Small Business Journal, Vol. 31, 5, 563-579,
  • Rubalcaba, L., Gallego, J., Gallo M.T. and R. Garrido (2013). Business services location and market factors in major European cities. Cities, Vol. 31, 258–266.
  • Merino, F. and L. Rubalcaba (2013) Are knowledge-intensive services highly concentrated? Evidence from European regions. Journal of Economic and Social Geography (Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie), 104: 215–232.


  • Rubalcaba, L., Michel, S., Sundbo, J., Brown, S.W. and J. Reynoso (2012) Shaping, organizing, and rethinking service innovation: a multidimensional framework. Journal of Service Management, Vol. 23 (5), pp. 696 – 715. (Highly Commended paper award for JOSM 2012)
  • Maroto, A. and L. Rubalcaba (2012) The Role of R&D in Shaping Public Sector Typologies: An European Perspective, Modern Economy, Vol. 3 No. 7, 2012, pp. 873-883.
  • Bryson, J., Rubalcaba, L. and P. Ström (2012) Services, Innovation, Employment and Organisation: Research Gaps and Challenges for the Next Decade. The Services Industries Journal 32, 4, 641-655.


  • Daniels, P., Rubalcaba, L., Stare, M. and J. Bryson (2011). How many Europes? Varieties of capitalism, divergence and convergence and the transformation of the European services landscape. Journal of Economic and Social Geography. Vol. 102, 2, 146–161


  • Visintin, S., Maroto, A., di Meglio, G. and L. Rubalcaba (2010) The Role of Cost Related Factors in the Competitiveness of European Services. The Global Economy Journal (bepress). Vol. 10, Issue 3: 4.
  • Rubalcaba, L., Gallego, J. and D. Gago (2010) On the differences between goods and services innovation. Journal of Innovation Economics, Vol. 5: 17-40
  • Rubalcaba, L., Gallego, J. and P. den Hertog (2010). The case of market and system failures in services innovation. The Service Industries Journal: Vol 30, 4, 549-566


  • Stare, M. and L. Rubalcaba (2009). International Outsourcing of Services – What Role for Central and East European Countries? Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol. 45, 5, 31-46.
  • Rubalcaba, L. and G. di Meglio (2009) Services in EU competition policy. Journal of Service Science, Vol. 1, 2, 121-146.


  • Maroto, A. and L. Rubalcaba (2008) Service Productivity Revisited. The Service Industries Journal, Vol. 28, 3, 337-353. (Editor’s choice in the 17 best papers list along 30 years of the SIJ).
  • Den Hertog, P., Rubalcaba, L. and J. Sergers (2008) Is there a rationale for services innovation policies? International Journal of Service Technology and Management, Vol. 9, 3-4, 334-354
  • Gallego, J. and L. Rubalcaba (2008) Shaping R&D and services innovation in Europe. International Journal of Service Technology and Management, Vol. 9, 3-4, 199-217.


  • Gago, D. and L. Rubalcaba (2007) ICT and innovation in services: towards a multidimensional approach for impact assessment. Journal of Evolutionary Economics. Vol. 17, 25-44
  • Garcia-Goñi, M., Maroto, A. and L. Rubalcaba (2007) Workers’ motivation in European health services. Health Policy, Vol 84/2-3: 344-358


  • Rubalcaba, L. (2006) Which policy for service innovation? Science and public policy. Volume 33, No. 10. Vol. 33, 10, 745-756


  • Rubalcaba, L. and F. Merino (2005) Urban supply-demand interrelations in business services The Service Industries Journal. Vol. 24, 163-180.


  • Rubalcaba, L. and D. Gago (2003) Location and role of innovative business services in European regions: testing some explanatory factors. The Service Industries Journal. January 2003. Vol. 23.No. 1, 77-94.


  • Mañas, E., Gabaldón, P. and L. Rubalcaba (2002) Service family consumption: some explanatory factors. The Service Industries Journal. January 2002. Vol. 22, 1, pp: 92-121.


  • Rubalcaba, L. and D. Gago (2001) Relationships between services and competitiveness: the case of Spanish trade. The Service Industries Journal. Vol. 21/ 1, 35-62.


  • Cuadrado, J.R. and L. Rubalcaba (1998) Specialization and Competition in Urban European Cities: a New Approach through Fairs and Exhibitions. Regional Studies. No. 39, 133-147.


  • Rubalcaba, L. and J.R. Cuadrado (1995) Urban Hierarchies and territorial competition in Europe: Exploring the role of fairs and exhibitions. Urban Studies. Vol. 32, 2, 379-400.


  • Cuadrado, J.R. and L. Rubalcaba (1993) Regional Trends In Business Services Supply in Spain. The Service Industries Journal, Vol. 13, 2, 51-65

Selección de documentos de trabajo y otras publicaciones:

  • Rubalcaba, L, Gago, D., Ariano, M. and A. Tripathi (2016) Services and innovation for the competitiveness of the Ecuadorian economy, Policy Research Working Paper 7767, The World Bank Group.
  • Rubalcaba, L. and O. Montes (2015) Innovation and Investment Climate: South East lessons learnt for SICA countries. Growth Dialogue Institute, 45. Washington DC.
  • Deschryvere, M. and L. Rubalcaba (2014) Evidence on the role of user orientation for innovation and productivity in Finnish service firms. Asialics conference, Daegu, Korea.
  • Montes, O. and L. Rubalcaba (2014) Human or Technological Resources in XXI Century Schools: An Empirical Analysis, Working Paper. Presented in the XXIV Annual Conference of the European Association for Research on Services (RESER), Helsinki (Finland), September 2014.
  • Rubalcaba, L. and O. Montes (2014) Innovation in Education: Analytical Framework and International Best Practices, Workshop e-book abstracts proceedings ISBN: 978-989-20-5335-6 and Working Paper. Presented in the Trends and Challenges on Human Resource International Workshop, organized by the ISAG European Business School and the Spanish Economic of Education Association (AEDE), Porto (Portugal), October 2014.
  • Montes, O. and L. Rubalcaba (2014) School choice, equity and efficiency: International evidence from PISA-2012, Investigaciones de Economía de la Educación, Volume 9, 2014. ISBN: 978-84-942418-8-8 and Working Paper. Presented in the XXIII Annual Conference of the Spanish Economic of Education Association (AEDE), Valencia (Spain), July 2014.
  • Rubalcaba, L. Gallouj, F, Windrum, P. and M. Toivonen (2014) Service innovation and social innovation: An analytical framework and its application to health services Advances in The Human Side of Service Engineering Edited By Louis Freund and Wojciech Cellary. Proceedings of the 5th AHFE Conference 19-23 July 2014: 623-636
  • Van den Have, R. and L. Rubalcaba (2013) The emergence of the social innovation research. RESER International conference, Aix en Provence, France. September.
  • Rubalcaba, L. (2013) Analytical framework for service and social innovation in education and the role of communities. Working paper, Boston University (mimeo)
  • Montes, O., Gallouj, F. and L. Rubalcaba (2013) (Social) innovation in education: Theoretical framework and international evidence, Working Paper. Presented in the Workshop on Social Innovation CLERSE/University of Lille1, Lille (France), December, 2013
  • Montes, O and L. Rubalcaba (2013) Empowering Principals, Teachers or Parents: Who makes a difference in education?, Working Paper. Presented in the XXXVIII Annual Conference of the «Simposio de Economía» of the Spanish Economic Association (SAEe), Santander (Spain), December 2013.
  • Rubalcaba, L. (2013) Innovation and the New Service Economy in Latin America and the Caribbean. IDB publications. Discussion paper N0. IDC-DP-291.
  • Windrum, P, Battisti, G., Gallego, J. and L. Rubalcaba (2013) Paradigm Shift? Open Innovation and the Innovative Performance of EU Firms. Academy of Management Proceedings 2013 (1), 15296
  • Rubalcaba, L. (2013) Social innovation and subsidiarity. Atlantide 27
  • Di Meglio, G., Pyka, A. and L. Rubalcaba (2012) «Varieties of service economies in Europe,» FZID Discussion Papers 44-2012, University of Hohenheim, Center for Research on Innovation and Services (FZID).
  • Gotsch, M., Hipp, C., Gallego, J. and L. Rubalcaba (2011) «Sectoral innovation performance in the knowledge intensive services,» Working Paper Series 11, Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU Cottbus), Chair of Organization, Human Resource & General Management.
  • Rubalcaba, L, Windrum, P., Gallouj, F., Di Meglio, G., Pyka, A., Sundbo, J and M. Webber (2011) The contribution of public and private services to European growth and welfare, and the role of public-private innovation networks. ServPPIN Final Report. ServPPIN Working Papers.
  • Baker, P., Miles, I., Rubalcaba, L., Plaisier, N., Tamminen, S, and I. de Voldere (2008) Study on industrial policy and services. Commissioned by the European Commission (DG Enterprise), ECORYS, Brussels/Rotterdam
  • Rubalcaba, L. (2008) Business services in the globalisation age: a European perspective. Reser working papers Number. 2.
  • Kox, H. and L. Rubalcaba (2007) Analysing the contribution of business services to European Economic Growth. Bruges European Economic Research Papers, Number 9.
  • Kox, H. and L. Rubalcaba (2007) Business services and the changing structure of European economic growth. CPB Memorandum. Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy analysis.
  • Rubalcaba, L. (2007), Business services in European economic growth, Strategic Direction, Vol. 28 Issue 4
  • Rubalcaba, L. (2007) Services in European Policies. Bruges European Economic Policy Briefings. Number 16