Regulations and Economics of Services Sectors

World Bank Projects
As Staff:
- EC Economic Diversification & Industrial Services – 2016. Ecuador
Inter-American Development Bank projects:
- Open innovation and public procurement (2021) Brazil
- Energy efficiency, electricity and sustainability (2020) Uruguay
- Innovation in tourism and professional services (2013) Dominican Republic.
- Services and productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean (2011–13) Chile, Peru, Costa Rica, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Jamaica.
European Union Projects:
- Coordinator, The contribution of services to European growth and welfare and public-private innovation networks in services (ServPPIN) (2008–11) Germany, France, the UK, Austria, Spain, Norway, Denmark; Slovenia. EC. VII Framework Research Programme.
- Jordan Modernization of the services industries (2010–11) Jordan EC – Ecorys
- Projects on industrial policy and services for Europe (2005–09) EC – Ecorys

Services economics, regulations and challenges
- Gallouj, F, Gallouj, C., Monnoyer, MC, Rubalcaba, L. (eds) (2022) The international encyclopedia of services studies. Edward Elgar (forthcoming). Including:
- Rubalcaba, L. (2022) Services-related policies.
- Rubalcaba, L. (2022) Competition policies in services industries.
- Rubalcaba, L. and Laakso, A. (2022) Big data-related policies
- Di Meglio, G., Pyka, A. and Rubalcaba, L. (2015), On the ‘How Many Europes’ Debate: Varieties of Service Economies. Journal of Economic and Social Geography, 106 (3): 307–320.
- Bryson, J, Rubalcaba, L. and Ström, P. (2012) Services, Innovation, Employment and Organisation: Research Gaps and Challenges for the Next Decade. The Services Industries Journal 32, 4, 641–655.
- Daniels, P, Rubalcaba, L., Stare, M., and Bryson, J. (2011). How many Europes? Varieties of capitalism, divergence and convergence. Journal of Economic and Social Geography, 102, 2, 146–161
- Rubalcaba, L. Di Meglio, G. (2009). Services in EU competition policy. Journal of Service Science, Vol. 1, 2, 121–146.
- Maroto, A. and Rubalcaba, L. (2008) Service Productivity Revisited. The Service Industries Journal, V28, 3, 337–353
- Rubalcaba, L. (2007) The New Services Economy: Challenges and Policy implications for Europe. Edward Elgar.
- Rubalcaba, L. and Kox, H. (eds.) (2007) The Contribution of Business Services to European Economic Growth. Palgrave-MacMillan.