About me
Professor of Applied Economics.
Department of Economics and Business Administration
Leader and coordinator of research teams and international projects (including TTL in World Bank projects, in Washington, DC). Co-founder and president of the NGO CESAL (1988-1996), and of the Servilab research institute of the University of Alcalá (1996-2001). Collaborator-Manager of the R&D program of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (2009-2011). President of the European association RESER (2004-2008). Secretary and Deputy Director of the the Applied Economics Department (2007-2012). Claustral of the University of Alcalá (2011-2015).
Member of the Committee of experts of the Vice President for Research at the University of Alcalá (2010-2012). Member of the Academic Committee of the Doctorate program in Economics and Business Management (2017- ). Founder and Director of the INSERAS research group (2017- ).
Areas of expertise
Teaching, research and consulting on the topics of: Services, Innovation, Business services, Service innovation, Social innovation, Public services, Urban and regional studies, Economic policy, Knowledge economy, Competitiveness, Globalization and international trade, Well-being, Statistics , Fairs and exhibitions.
Scientific Publications
Author or co-author with nearly 200 publications, 120 in English, 80 in Spanish, mainly in international journals and publishing houses.
Let's not interfere with the market where it works well... I have always maintained that there is only one thing worse than the market: no market at all.
Calling a field of knowledge science should not imply either praise or denigration.
The study of economics does not require any specific gift, when compared with the highest branches of philosophy or pure science. It is, intellectually, an easy subject. And yet, good or simply competent economists are as rare as the most exotic birds. Is it an easy discipline in which few achieve the level of excellence? This paradox is largely explained by the fact that the economist needs to possess a rare combination of skills. He has to reach a high level in different subjects and must gather talents that are not found together. He must be a mathematician, historian and statesman, and philosopher to some extent. He must understand symbols and speak with words. He must contemplate particular aspects in relation to a whole, and jointly address the abstract and the concrete. He must study the present taking into account the past and thinking about the future. No aspect of human nature or its institutions must pass unnoticed by his observant curiosity. He must combine a willingness to act with neutrality; he must be lofty and incorruptible as an artist, and sometimes as close to the ground as a politician.